On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon will be hosting a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) special in the lead up to the February 25-28 event in the nation’s capitol.

Bannon will speak to Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow and contributor James Pinkerton about the left-wing media hit piece on Bill O’Reilly that accused him of lying about being in a war zone during the Falkland War.

Breitbart London’s James Delingpole will come on the show to speak about The New York Times’ smear on climate scientist Dr. Willie Soon who challenges the establishment’s alarmism regarding global warming.

American Conservative Union (ACU) Chairman Matt Schlapp will come on the show to talk about this year’s CPAC event, which his organization hosts annually. Schlapp, who was appointed chairman this year, said in an exclusive with Breitbart News that the theme of this year’s conference is “Conservative Action Starts Here” and that they will focus more on hitting all three legs of the conservative stool—social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, and foreign policy.

Bannon will also speak to Daniel Schneider, Executive Director of the ACU, who is organizing CPAC this year.

Breitbart News’ Jordan Schachtel will come on the program to talk about the phony story peddled by the mainstream media about Muslims guarding a Norwegian synagogue.

Lee Stranahan will come on the show to talk about a serious scandal brewing in South Dakota.

Breibart contributor Javier Manjarres will come on the show to talk about his new book, Brown People, Hispanic Politics and the Disunited State of Amigos.

Bannon will speak to Breitbart Texas editor Brandon Darby about the latest important developments in the Cartel War.