On February 23 Cornell University held an event to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry was the guest speaker, and during her speech she took time to say she hoped Trayvon Martin “whooped the sh*t out of George Zimmerman” before Zimmerman shot him in self-defense.

Uneasy over their school’s choice in speakers, The Cornell Review reported that Harris-Perry was invited to speak in honor of MLK but instead delivered an “hour long comedy routine.” She “equated… [MLK] with Beyonce, a pop singer who does not even write her own lyrics,” and talked about how she “would be down with lower taxes” because of the money she is paid to travel and speak.

The Review also posted a video of the portion of Harris-Perry’s speech in which she made the Trayvon Martin reference.

She said:

I hope he tried to stay alive, I hope he knew that he lived in a state with a Stand Your Ground law, and I hope he whooped the sh*t out of George Zimmerman. Because he encountered a stranger who was prepared to kill him, and you know how I know? Because he killed him.

The Review’s report on Harris-Perry’s speech closes on a hopeful note: “Let us only hope Cornell will select a more refined, serious speaker next year. On campus, comedians should perform their skits in Bailey Hall, not in Sage Chapel in commemoration of Dr. King.”

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