U.S. Civil Rights Commission: Illegal Immigration Makes Black Americans Poorer
Mass immigration, and primarily illegal immigration, disproportionately makes black Americans poorer, the U.S. Civil Rights Commission found.

Mass immigration, and primarily illegal immigration, disproportionately makes black Americans poorer, the U.S. Civil Rights Commission found.
Republicans are on the the side of Martin Luther King, while Biden and Democrats are on the side of George Wallace, Rep. Drew Ferguson said.
Pop star Justin Bieber was slammed for using audio clips of speeches from the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on his new album, “Justice,” as social media users accused the singer of being “tone deaf.” King’s family, however, gave Bieber a message of support in the midst of the social media-fueled backlash.
Hundreds of protesters gathered in groups across New York City on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, yet violence broke out when police tried to disperse some crowds.
Fact check – CLAIM: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “a riot is the language of the unheard.” VERDICT: True. However, he was opposed to riots.
The University of Montana is facing criticism from leftists around the country after a white student won the university’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day essay contest. According to the school, only white students participated in this year’s contest.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter, Bernice King, criticized Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for citing her father when defending his embattled social media platform.
A video creator for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) campaign left the team just one day after joining over a controversial video that sexualized Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
Martin Luther King Jr., application for a concealed carry permit in Alabama in 1956 was denied in light of the state’s “May Issue” apparatus.
“Billy Graham and Martin Luther King had preached together in Madison Square Garden to break through the racial barriers,” said Alveda King, reflecting on the legacy of Bill Graham, who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 99.
For decades, researchers and immigration experts alike have warned lawmakers and administrations of the negative impact immigration, both legal and illegal, has on the African-American community.
Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence visited the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial in Washington, DC on Sunday to lay a wreath in commemoration of the holiday on Monday and King’s legacy of service.
Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren received a stunning monition Tuesday evening from her fellow senators after she quoted from a letter that accused Attorney General-designate Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.) of racism during his tenure as a federal prosecutor.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. applied in 1956 for a permit to carry a handgun for self-defense but was denied by governing authorities who enjoyed “may issue”-style discretion.
Eight people were wounded–one critically–after a gunman or multiple gunmen opened fire during a Ja. 16 rally in Miami celebrating Rev. Martin Luther King.
On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews stated that a clip of President Obama speaking had “a little MLK” and had a “Bible cadence that’s just overpowering, great stuff.” Matthews said, after playing a clip of President Obama
Black Lives Matter activist MarShawn McCarrel shot himself Monday on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse, the Columbus Dispatch reports.
At least one thousand students skipped New Trier High School’s mandatory day of “racial identity” classes on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Thousands of San Diegans showed up on Sunday to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, despite the presence of a few Black Lives Matter protesters.
On February 23 Cornell University held an event to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry was the guest speaker, and during her speech she took time to say she hoped Trayvon Martin “whooped the sh*t out of George Zimmerman” before Zimmerman shot him in self-defense.
Dozens of self-identifying Stanford students were arrested on Monday night after they shut down the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge in a “#blacklivesmatter” protest against alleged police brutality and oppression. After they closed off the bridge, the protesters pulled out a giant Palestinian flag and draped it across multiple lanes.
Bedfellows Bill de Blasio and Al Sharpton appeared together at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network headquarters on Monday for the organization’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day rally.
There was no shortage of “black lives matter” protests this past weekend as activists in Oakland and Berkeley sought to link their cause to the life of late civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. Close to 150 #BlackLivesMatter protesters took
In the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, the moment when the momentum shifted decisively against Hillary Clinton was when the New York Senator embroiled herself in a controversy over whether President Lyndon Baines Johnson or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deserved
Friday in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., protesters holding signs reading “Third World for Black Power” and “Global Resistance Against Police Violence,” chained themselves together and blocked the entrance to the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building in downtown Oakland.