After months of cynical and predictably tragic racial pot-stirring in Ferguson, Missouri — the bill has finally come due. And as is always the case when the mob-manufactured smoke clears, it is the good people of a predominantly black working class city who are stuck with the check. On top of everything else they have dealt with since the media chose to pour satellite-truckloads of gasoline on the Michael Brown Lie, Ferguson residents are now seeing their property values plummet almost by 50%.

Fusion reports that since the protests began in August, an average home that sold for $66,764 in 2014 is now selling for just $36,68. That’s a 46% decrease. The per square foot residential sale price dropped 47%.

Zisser is one of many Ferguson residents feeling a financial toll from the months of protests, media attention, and now another high-profile shooting. They’re worried not just about their own situations, but about the city coffers, too. The future of Ferguson, they say, is anyone’s guess. …

“When you invest,” he explains, “you look at yourself and say you want a return. You’re not gonna put your money down where you see a risk. And that’s what we’re seeing here thanks to this media attention. The more we beat the drums, the risk is only heightened, and the less people want to buy property here.”

It’s never the racial arsons in the media who pay the price. It’s never the anarchists disguised as protestors who get the bill. It’s never irresponsible government officials whose own chickens come home to roost.



CNN anchors go home to  their penthouses and suites. Guy Fawkes’ fanboys go home to their mother’s basement. The Washington Post’s Wesley Lowery returns to his precious velvet bubble. Al Sharpton and Barack Obama go home to conspire over the next city they can pour gasoline on.

For most people, when you lose 50% of the value of your home or business, that means you have lost everything — all your equity. You are now upside down.

All over a lie our race-baiting media decided was too good to verify first.


John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC