Like the left-wing network did in Ferguson, CNN is pulling out all the stops to bring mob violence to Baltimore with its thoughtless, race-baiting, hysterical, exploitive coverage of Freddie Gray, a young man who died a week after his arrest. Nevertheless, CNN’s unnatural obsession with portraying America as racist, and doing so before all the facts are known, is not translating into increased viewership.

Once again last week, CNN was unable to beat “The MSNBC Titanic” in primetime viewers.

Starting Monday night, CNN went wall-to-wall with Freddie Gray coverage and was positively shellacked nearly 2-to-1 by MSNBC. The “Lien Forward” network pulled 655,000 total primetime viewers, compared to just 382,000 for CNN. That is a big dip over last week, when MSNBC beat CNN by a closer margin — 657,000 to 478,000.

In fact, other than Friday night, MSNBC beat CNN in total primetime viewers every night last week. As expected, Fox News humiliated them both:


Primetime: FNC: 2.077 | CNN: 473 | MSNBC: 677 | HLN: 346


Primetime: FNC: 2.020 | CNN: 624 | MSNBC: 658 | HLN: 330


Primetime: FNC: 2.246 | CNN: 588 | MSNBC: 671 | HLN: 315


Primetime: FNC: 1.633 | CNN: 453 | MSNBC: 370 | HLN: 352

If past is prologue, in order to increase ratings and push Jeff Zucker’s relentless left/anarchist political agenda, look for CNN to get more shrill by the day as it hopes to foment mob violence in Baltimore. Also, if past is prologue, that mob violence will disproportionately bring misery to working class blacks.

Under Zucker, CNN has turned into a full-fledged Hate Network through regular hate campaigns determined to racially divide Americans and demonize conservatives and Christians. CNN’s comeback narrative is based only around its marginal increase in a certain demographic. As far as overall primetime viewers, CNN is still a shrill loser that gets shriller by the day.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC