The wake of destruction behind Bill and Hillary Clinton is 25 years wide and deeper than any abyss known to man or beast. The latest victim is “NewsHour” anchor Judy Woodruff, and by extension, PBS itself, which now admits to burying the $75,000 Clinton Cash scandal involving ABC News senior anchor George Stephanopoulos.

Friday, as though anything will ever change, PBS ombudsman  Michael Getler stepped up and pretty much pled guilty on both counts:

The following evening, May 15, Woodruff closed the NewsHour broadcast with a “short editor’s note before we go.” She said: “There have been questions this week about journalists’ contributions to the Clinton Foundation and my name has come up. I want to clarify what happened. In 2010, after the massive earthquake in Haiti, I made a gift of $250 to the Haiti Relief Fund, established by the Clinton Foundation. It was meant for charitable purposes only.” …

Was the Woodruff link the reason the NewsHour chose not to cover a story that has generated lots of continuing coverage in The Washington Post, New York Times and many other outlets? It doesn’t look good from where I sit. The program did post an Associated Press story on its web site last Friday but, aside from the Woodruff statement, it has broadcast nothing about the broader story to its viewers. And the AP story did not mention Woodruff.

I asked the NewsHour’s executive producer, Sara Just, for the reasoning behind not covering the Stephanopoulos story on the air. She said: “We had an online piece but for broadcast we didn’t think it met the bar as a story for our limited on-air news hole that day.”

Cover ups. Conflicts of interest. And all of it at taxpayer expense.

PBS is nothing more than dulcet-toned propaganda machine funded by money coerced from taxpayers by a big central government in order to protect big central government.

The Ombudsman can’t even be honest. Getler claims he has no idea how Woodruff votes. Does he mean in a race between Stalin and Castro? Hillary and Bernie? Galloway and Warren?

And where is Woodruff’s explanation for why she believed, of all the charities out there, the Clinton Foundation was the most effective place to park her money?

Stephanopoulos isn’t being forced to answer these questions, either.

Granted, $250 is not a lot of money to a multi-millionaire like Woodruff. But what better way to prove your fealty to power than with just a small token of your integrity? In ClintonLand, that token means everything.

There is no institution in America more corrupt, dishonest, and compromised than the American media.

Monday you had 48 reasons to despise and distrust the media. Thanks to Woodruff and PBS, you now have reasons 49 and 50.