Ratings: Megyn Kelly Tops All of Cable News in August

Fox News’ program The Kelly File, boosted by host Megyn Kelly’s feud with Donald Trump after the GOP presidential debates, had a great ratings month.

From the Hollywood Reporter:

Donald Trump might have issues with Megyn Kelly, but viewers evidently don’t. If August is any indication, her Kelly File is shaping up to be the cable news destination for coverage of the 2016 election.

Kelly had the highest-rated cable news show for the month, even with her weeklong vacation. Buoyed by the record-breaking showcase of Fox News Channel’s GOP debate and her 11 p.m. telecast that night, she outpaced typical victor Bill O’Reilly for only the third full month since she shifted to her high-profile primetime slot in late 2013.

Read the rest of the story here.