Anyone who knows anything about Late Night is well aware that pre-planned “bits” are part of the deal. The guests, especially comedians, are required to come up with a funny story or series of jokes. In many cases the producers work with the guest to hone the bit. That was almost certainly the case with “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah’s impersonation of the Republican debate on Steven Colbert’s “Late Show” Thursday night.

Nevertheless, the preparation didn’t help. Noah sucked. See for yourself. It only takes a minute (although it feels like an hour):

That’s the kind of “comedy” you expect from the guy in the cubicle next to you who’s  not terribly clever but truly believes he is. Andy Borowitz, for example.

But when it comes to our corrupt media funny doesn’t matter. All that matters is the left-wing agenda. Which is why, to garner this much media attention, all the media’s New Precious had to do was mock the GOP. That’s how desperate the media is.

Fewer than 1% of the American public watched Noah’s predecessor Jon Stewart. Even fewer will watch Noah after he takes over at the end of the month.

None of that matters.

As long as Noah gives the MSM the video they crave that mocks and undermines conservatives, Noah will forever benefit by the same left-wing affirmative action that made the eternally low-rated Stewart (and Colbert) a Potemkin Phenom.


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