Josh Marshall, editor and publisher of popular progressive news site Talking Points Memo, took to Twitter to insult Roseburg, Oregon protestors who support the Second Amendment as “pro-Massacre activists.”

On Friday, hundreds gathered in Roseburg to protest a visit by President Obama after he had made comments within hours of the shooting at Umpqua Community College last Thursday to say the event was “something we should politicize.” Obama’s comments came before the crime scene was cleared or either the shooter or the victims had been identified.

Roseburg is a relatively small community, so the massacre where Christians were targeted and others were callously and cruelly murdered left local residents completely shocked. Many were stunned by immediate use of the event by the President to push an anti-gun agenda, so as Breitbart News reported, on Friday hundreds came out to oppose the president for using the massacre and to support the right to keep and bear arms.

Although New York City resident Josh Marshall publicly called the protestors “pro-Massacre activists” there was not a single person expressing that viewpoint at the protestors. Some, like this man interviewed by Breitbart News, made a clear case for weapons as a way to prevent massacres.

Here’s another exclusive interview with a protestor who believes that guns are protection and doesn’t want Obama to take them.

Perhaps Josh Marshall can explain why this Roseburg resident is “pro-massacre” or apologize for his horrible comment,