As good people on social media watched unspeakable events unfurl in San Bernardino, California, on their television sets, all one could do in a situation where you can really do nothing is pray and offer those prayers to the world. Naturally, elite members of our media will use any opportunity to mock the Faithful. Even 14 still-warm dead bodies won’t stop them from attacking those who offer a heartfelt “thoughts and prayers” sentiment.

The Huffington Post rushed to publish its mockery with a headline and subhead that read:

Another Mass Shooting, Another Deluge Of Tweeted Prayers

Seems to have been an ineffective strategy so far

Republicans’ Jeb Bush, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee were singled out for mockery, as were some local Democrats.

On Twitter, staffers from Vox, Think Progress, and  the Daily Kos joined the pile on.

ADDED: Mediate writer Andrew Husband is really angry:

Fourteen dead.

Fourteen injured, that we know of.

Killer(s) still on the loose.

For our media, there is no better time to launch the partisan snark at the freaky Godtards.

Let’s close with this sentiment — you still laughing…?


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