It was exactly one year ago when Islamic savages stormed the Paris offices of the left-wing satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine and massacred most of its staff. It was also one year ago that CNN and NBC News (among other news outlets) declined to broadcast the Charlie Hebdo covers that lampooned the Islamic Prophet Mohammed. Both left-wing, anti-Christian networks either avoided the covers altogether or went so far as to blur them out.

Thursday, however, on the one year anniversary of the Paris terror attack, as Mediate points out, NBC News and CNN had zero problem broadcasting a Charlie Hebdo cover that depicts God Himself as a terrorist.

Mediaite also caught the Associated Press and New York Daily News in the same double standard.

This double standard as nothing at all to do with an editorial guideline. It is pure bigotry. When it comes to blasphemous images, Muslims fall under a protected status. When it comes to the rest of us, most especially Christians, we’re fair game.

The DC Media despise us, and reminds of that fact every chance they get.


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