A caller who spouted sickening anti-Semitic hatred for 13 minutes during a live BBC radio phone-in, telling listeners that the UK and corporate America were “ruled by Zionist Jews”, will not be prosecuted, the Metropolitan Police have confirmed.

As Breitbart Jerusalem reported, the man, who identified himself as “Andy from St. Margaret’s,” reached BBC Radio London host Simon Lederman in December and ranted against “Zionist Jews” and “the Rothschilds” controlling global industries such as finance and media.

Repeatedly challenged by Lederman, who is Jewish, the man claimed the UK was “ruled by Zionist Jews,” saying: “We are dominated by the Jews’ system, the financial Jewish system.”

He added: “The Rothschilds, the people who own the Bank of England, the people who own the Federal Reserve, they’re all Zionist Jews. They control the money, the money, finance… 80 percent of corporate America, of the media, is owned by Jews. And they’re Zionist Jews.”

You can hear the exchange below:

Immediately after the call was made, police announced they would work to trace and find the caller.

Now, according to the Jewish News, the Met Police have said their investigation will go no further: “After careful review of the facts the evidence did not support a prosecution and the investigation has now been closed,” a police spokesman said.

Despite the decision, police officer Tony Samuel from the Community Safety Unit in Harrow, north-west London, said: “We actively encourage anyone to report incidents of religious or racial nature and are dedicated to investigating such matters.”

As pro-Israel website Israellycool noted at the time, “What’s shocking is not that people think this way, it’s that in today’s Britain they not only have no trouble expressing themselves, the BBC has no trouble devoting large amounts of air time to this.”

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