CNN executive editor Mark Preston said this week that he could not imagine that his colleagues at the network would want investigators to find that President Donald Trump or his associates colluded with the Russians in 2016.

“Let me just take the liberty and say this. You know, a lot of people don’t believe this, but I can’t imagine that the three of us or most Americans want there to be a finding that there was collusion that affected our elections,” he said on Wednesday’s Erin Burnett Outfront. “Because in the end, I mean, we are all Americans and when we see this division on this issue, it really is disheartening.”

Preston was speaking to Burnett and the Daily Beast’s Jackie Kucinich, a left-wing writer who, like most of CNN’s roster, is presented as an “objective” analyst despite her blatant left-wing biases.

It is worth noting that CNN’s two most recent “fake news” scandals involved the network pushing thinly-sourced “fake news” stories that implicated Trump or his associates in the Russia scandal.

A day before former FBI director James Comey testified before Congress, CNN reported on air and online that Comey would refute Trump’s assertion that Comey told him on three occassions that Trump was not under investigation. When Comey’s prepared testimony debunked the report, CNN had to issue this embarrassing correction:

CORRECTION AND UPDATE: This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement. The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published

On Monday, three of CNN’s top writers and editors had to resign after Breitbart News’ Matt Boyle shredded CNN’s “fake news” story, based on a single anonymous source, that claimed Trump transition team official Anthony Scaramucci was under Congressional investigation.

In addition, Project Veritas this week released a video in which a CNN producer, John Bonifield, says on tape that though he felt the Trump-Russia collusion stories were mostly “bullshit,” CNN was pushing those stories to get better “ratings.”