CNN’s relentless campaign to destroy the innocence of young children marched on this weekend with a lengthy Sunday morning New Day segment promoting a children’s book that depicts Santa Claus as a homosexual who is married to another man.

Above a chyron that read, “Children’s Holiday Book Explores Race, Homosexuality,” New Day co-anchor Christi Paul declared the book a “fresh, new twist” and then appeared to lament the fact that “there are some families though, tsk, not so happy about the book’s maybe not so hidden agenda.”

CNN’s Victor Blackwell then interviewed author Daniel Kibblesmith, and illustrator Ashley Quach. The author explained that what inspired the book was “the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack.”

Blackwell read a section of the book that tells children as young as four, “Like any married couple they have disagreements but always manage to kiss and make up, usually over a plate of milk and cookies.”

Kibblesmith also made no secret of the fact he is attempting to promote a political agenda. “My only real response,” he explained, “is that we’re trying to put a net positive into the world and contribute to a vacuum of representation.”

Although the book is targeted at children age 4 – 8, there was no discussion about whether or not it is healthy to introduce children of that age to the idea of human sexuality.

This should not be surprising from CNN, a left-wing cable news network currently in last place in the ratings. Earlier this year, weekday New Day anchor Chris Cuomo publicly attacked parents as “intolerant” if their 12-year-old daughter did not want to look at a transsexual man’s penis in a locker room.


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