Never-Trump pundit Rick Wilson attacked supporters of Donald Trump on CNN Wednesday, insinuating that the president’s base wants to remove all minorities from the United States.

“[Trump’s] core supporters, you know, want anybody who’s darker than latte deported,” Wilson said during a panel on illegal border crossings — before explicitly suggesting there is a “white nationalist faction” to the Republican Party. He suggested that no one in the Trump administration is satisfied with what Wilson calls “cruelty” from Border Patrol and ICE agents.

Below is a partial transcript of Wilson’s comments.

I think the pictures of the cruelty of this administration are a very deliberate part of this. They’re a feature, not a bug, of the Trump administration’s policy. So I think we’re in a situation where no one inside the administration is unhappy about these things because they’re only talking to their base. They’re only talking to their core supporters, and their core supporters, you know, want anybody who’s darker than latte deported.

They’re not happy about immigration of any kind. They don’t believe in the asylum process. They want to take and separate these families as a matter of deterrence … like I said, a sort of theater of cruelty. I think it really doesn’t speak well to their moral standing. I think it doesn’t speak well to the kind of government we want to have.

There’s been some reporting that Stephen Miller and the guys in the white nationalist faction of the party are very happy about this. They love the whole optics of this cruel, sort of, exercise.”

CNN’s chyron identified Wilson as a “Republican strategist.”

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