CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta remarked Friday that President Donald Trump’s plan to re-open the government was “one of the biggest tactical defeats” of his presidency and that the White House was like Alice in Wonderland over their celebratory mood.

“You could see the vice president, you could see Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and senior adviser, cabinet officials, other top officials, applauding as if this was some sort of victorious moment–celebration. That was just right out of Alice in Wonderland,” Acosta said.

“To see the White House and people inside the White House applauding the president during one of the biggest tactical defeats, strategic defeats of his political career, to me, just felt like the upside down out of Stranger Things,” he continued.

“It’s just bizarre to see something like that happen. And they were looking jubilant before he even began his remarks. They were all smiling, and clapping, and laughing, and that sort of thing, and it just goes to the–, and this is something we see day in and day out over here at the White House. There are just people here who are not dealing with reality.”

President Trump gave a speech from the Rose Garden Friday during which he announced a deal to temporarily re-open the government without getting any wall funding from Democrats.

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