It took three so-called journalists at the far-left, taxpayer-subsidized NPR to publish an in-depth look at what it means when you use skin-colored emojis.

Even more impressive is how this triple-bylined act of journalism manages to clarify nothing. Instead, what we have here is a heaving pile of pseudo-intellectual gibberish buried in appropriate woke phrases and clumped together in such an Orwellian way, no conclusion is made — other than the obvious one: every choice made by white people is raaaaaacist.

If anything, NPR’s “Which skin color emoji should you use? The answer can be more complex than you think” will be remembered as an artifact from a time when America was so prosperous and spoiled, we had the luxury to assign three people to cover shit that doesn’t matter, and no one cares about.

Talk about luxury problems…

“In 2015, five skin tone options became available for hand gesture emojis, in addition to the default Simpsons-like yellow,” the three NPR welfare queens report. “Choosing one can be a simple texting shortcut for some, but for others, it opens a complex conversation about race and identity.”

The only conclusion one can glean from this — other than we have become a society of fragile babies — is that too many people have way too much time on their hands. What’s more, these crybabies live a life with so few real problems they have the emotional space to allow an emoji to launch “a complex conversation about race and identity.”

Do they not own a TV?

Anyway, can you imagine living a life so perfect that the color of a stupid emoji is something you have the luxury to worry over? Get a load of this:

Heath Racela identifies as three-quarters white and one-quarter Filipino. When texting, he chooses a yellow emoji instead of a skin tone option, because he feels it doesn’t represent any specific ethnicity or color.


“I use the brown one that matches me,” said Sarai Cole, an opera singer in Germany. “I have some friends who use the brown ones, too, but they are not brown themselves. This confuses me.”


“I use the default emoji, the yellow-toned one for professional settings, and then I use the dark brown emoji for friends and family,” she said. “I just don’t have the emotional capacity to unpack race relations in the professional setting.”

Naturally, we’re told that no matter which emoji a white person chooses, it’s triggering.

For example, instead of using the white-skinned emoji, “some white people may stick with the yellow emoji because they don’t want to assert their privilege by adding a light-skinned emoji to a text,” the three NPR welfare queens report.

Also, using the white-skinned emoji instead of the neutral yellow-skinned emoji can be interpreted as a white person committing the sin of taking “advantage of something that was created to represent diversity.”


If you are white and choose not to use the white-skinned emoji., that is also racially problematic. Included in this story (written by three NPR welfare queens) is the real-life horror tale of a white guy who uses — gasp! — brown-skinned emojis.

“One friend who is white told me that it was because he felt that white people were overrepresented in the space that he was using the [brown] emoji, so he wanted to kind of try and even the playing field,” a woman told three NPR welfare queens. This woman then added: “For me, it does signal a kind of a lack of awareness of your white privilege in many ways.”

So since white people are problematic using the white-skinned emoji and just as problematic when not using it, we should stick to the neutral emoji, the yellow-skinned one, correct?


The yellow-skinned emoji is equally problematic. You see, the yellow-skinned emoji cannot be considered neutral because on The Simpsons, “there were yellow people, and there were brown people, and there were Black people.”

Yes, your tax dollars at work, America.

Me? Although I’m a white guy, I always use the black-skinned emoji. You see, as an American, I consider it my patriotic duty to make choices that will most offend our uptight hall monitors.

Yes, the one beautiful thing about this era of woketardery is that we all get to be Groucho Marx in a room full of easily-triggered stuffed shirts and pansies.

Are we still allowed to say “pansies?”

Gee, I hope not.

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