Disgraced former CNN chief Jeff Zucker agreed to accept a $10 million payoff from WarnerMedia. In exchange, the man who singlehandedly destroyed the CNN brand and ratings has agreed not to sue:

Details of the confidential package are obviously being kept close to the vest, but sources tell us Zucker made the decision several weeks ago to accept what had been put on the table by his old bosses at the time of his cable news exit. What we do know is that, if WarnerMedia keeps its side of the deal, in the next week to 10 days Zucker will receive a one-time payment of around $10 million.

We are told that Zucker, [q]uiet publicly since his departure from CNN, sees this as a chance to move on and pursue the next chapter of his career. In terms of moving on, as a part of the agreement with WarnerMedia, the one-time NBCUniversal head honcho has waived any future right or intention to pursue litigation against his old corporate overlords.

Could life be any sweeter for those in the corporate media? Ten million bucks, man. Ten-million smackers. This guy drives CNN’s ratings into the dirt. He grinds CNN’s reputation into a joke. He’s caught having an affair with a woman who reports directly to him. He spent nearly a decade spreading lies and conspiracy theories and hate and violence. And what’s his payoff? Ten-million bucks.

What we have here is more proof that there are no standards — none — in the media ecosystem. Once you are in, baby, you are in. And once you are in, you can burn the whole place down while enjoying your sidepiece affair and still parachute out with $10 million.

What is the payoff for?

It’s certainly not ratings. He drove those into the dirt.

It’s not burnishing the brand. CNN is now a worldwide laughingstock.

It’s not for being a paragon of ethics. He was banging a subordinate.

What is the $10 million for?

I’ll tell you what it’s for… Zucker’s one of the boys, he’s in the club, he’s part of the corrupt left-wing elite, and in that club, everyone takes care of everyone else — no matter what.

It’s also a pretty safe guess that WarnerMedia and everyone else at CNN are beyond terrified at the thought of a lawsuit. Zucker knows where the proverbial bodies are buried. He put them there. No way on earth could CNNLOL withstand any amount of exposure or transparency. If the emails and memos and truth about just how corrupt that organization is, just how dishonest, political, and unethical that operation is, ever got out, no one would survive.

Jeff Zucker at CNN Heroes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. (John Nacion/STAR MAX/IPx )

Trust me, however evil we know CNN is, and we know it’s plenty evil, it’s worse. Much, much worse.

Guy walks into your house, burns it all down, pisses on the ashes, and walks out with $10 million.

Man alive.

Well, I’ll give Zucker this. At least his soul doesn’t come cheap.

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