Evangelist Franklin Graham is continuing his condemnation of sexually graphic sex education curricula in public schools, urging parents to take action against states that are trying to “lure” children “into promiscuity.”

Graham specifically addressed the concerns of parents in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) in California who removed their children from school last week to protest a sex ed curriculum that teaches anal, oral and vaginal sex, and mutual masturbation to children as young as 11 years old.

“There’s an agenda in California and every other state to target the minds and hearts of children,” Graham posted to his Facebook account. “The agenda is to lure them into promiscuity and condition their minds to accept lifestyles that are against the teaching of God’s Word.”

Graham urged parents to become involved and refuse to accept graphic sex ed curricula.

“Using smutty language and imagery to taint the minds of elementary school children—or any age students for that matter— is wrong,” the Christian leader wrote. “Teaching 6th graders about sexual pleasure and how to go to websites to learn to ‘ask for consent in a sexy way’ should not be happening.”

Graham further urged people of faith to run for their school boards – both in their local school districts and their states.

“It’s also imperative that Christians vote in every election for candidates who support biblical principles, including the legislators who make these laws,” he urged. “I hope that every pastor will encourage the members of their congregation to let the Christian voice be heard in the elections. Let’s be salt and light as Jesus commanded and make a difference for our children and grandchildren!”

According to KUSI News, as parents of SDUSD pulled their children out of school to protest the sex ed program, the school district delivered the following statement:

Our education program was constructed with input from parents, faith leaders, and community residents to comply with Assemblywoman Shirley Weber’s California Healthy Youth Act. After being informed about the program, less than 1% of parents chose to exclude their children from learning about sexual health when the curriculum was implemented districtwide last school year.

However, Fox 5 reported one parent observed, “I’ve studied all the law, the California Healthy Youth Act and the requirements of the California Board of Education. There are only recommended curriculum, there are no mandated curriculum under the California Healthy Youth Act.”

“This is an extreme curriculum for comprehensive sex ed,” parent Ashley Bever, a mother of two middle school-age children, told the SDUSD board in March, according to California Family Council. “It basically tells our kids that even though the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) says that early initiation of sexual activity is associated with more partners, not using condoms, teen pregnancy, and more infections—the curriculum tells our middle schoolers the complete opposite. Mutual masturbation, dry sex. Try a flavored condom. No condom? Try pulling out—it’s as effective at preventing pregnancies.”

One parent complained to the school board that the “first thing on the curriculum for sixth graders — we’re talking 11-year-old kids — is ‘gender identity.’ Why is that the first thing on the curriculum?”

SDUSD says its “Sexual Health Curriculum” contains “3Rs lessons” that were “authored by Advocates for Youth, who is funded and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and who collbaorates with the California Department of Education to implement medically accurate sexuality education state-wide.”

Advocates for Youth states it “partners with youth leaders, adult allies, and youth-serving organizations to advocate for policies and champion programs that recognize young people’s rights to honest sexual health information; accessible, confidential, and affordable sexual health services; and the resources and opportunities necessary to create sexual health equity for all youth.”

According to Advocates for Youth, the “3Rs” are “Rights,” “Respect,” and “Responsibility.”

In the first lesson plan for sixth graders, Advocates for Youth states:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Name at least two characteristics that are stereotypically attached to boys and two that are stereotypically attached to girls. [Knowledge]
2. Describe their own feelings about behaviors being ascribed to a particular gender. [Affect]
Note to the Teacher: This lesson is designed to look at social roles and characteristics assigned to people based on their gender. It is intentionally set up to explore the gender binary, so the use of “boys” and “girls” is intentional.
 Advocates for Youth further teaches sixth graders that their biological sex is merely assigned to them by others at birth and is not binding. They note their purpose is to be gender-inclusive. The group states, “You may notice language throughout the curriculum that seems less familiar —using the pronoun ‘they’ instead of ‘her’ or ‘him,’ using gender neutral names in scenarios and role-plays and referring to ‘someone with a vulva’ vs. a girl or woman.”

“This is intended to make the curriculum inclusive of all genders and gender identities,” the group adds.

Advocates for Youth partners with the Cultural Advocacy and Mobilization Initiative — which includes, among other groups, the Broward County Youth Council, a partnership with Planned Parenthood South Florida and the Treasure Coast. Its partners also include the Muslim Youth Project, the National Emergency Contraception Initiative, and Youth of Color Initiative.

Regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the Colorado Masterpiece bakeshop this week, Advocates for Youth president Deb Hauser said the decision “could eventually lead to state-sanctioned, discrimination and highlights just how much the fight continues for LGBTQ equality across the country.”

“But rest assured that the fight is not over,” she continued. “Young people are moving this country forwards, not backwards – and they won’t stand for a government-sanctioned right to discriminate.”

In April, Graham also gave his support to the SexEdSitOut orchestrated by parents in cities across the United States and abroad who pulled their children out of public schools to protest pornographic sex ed curricula provided by taxpayer-funded groups such as Planned Parenthood.