Former Vice President Joe Biden announced Thursday that his presidential campaign took in $22.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, less than top-tier rivals Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D).

The Biden campaign said online contributions doubled during the last three months and the average donation amount was $43 in such period. The former vice president’s latest haul is his largest of the cycle, topping his third-quarter amount, in which he raised $15.7 million.
“I’m excited to share that we raised $22.7 million this last quarter — our biggest quarter so far this campaign!” Biden wrote in a tweet. “Thank you to everyone who chipped in what you could — your support means the world to me. You truly are the heart of our campaign.”

Though Biden’s figures show the presumed 2020 Democrat frontrunner is on solid financial footing, he continues to face stiff fundraising competition from Sanders and Buttigieg, who took in $34.5 million and $24.7 million in the last three months, respectively. Earlier Thursday, the Sanders campaign said it received over $18 million in December alone, the 78-year-old’s best month since launching his White House bid, and garnered over 1.8 million individual donations over the past three months. On Wednesday, Buttigieg campaign press secretary Chris Meagher announced the 37-year-old received over 2 million contributions from over 733,000 individual donors in 2019. Most donations to Pete for America were under $200, while the average contribution was $38.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign continues to easily outraise his Democrat rivals, raking in a whopping $46 million in the fourth quarter, the largest three-month haul yet thanks to the House Democrats’ impeachment effort. The massive amount does not include money raised by the Republican National Committee (RNC) or joint fundraising efforts between the Trump campaign and RNC, said Tim Murtaugh, the campaign’s communications chief. 

Additionally, entrepreneur Andrew Yang’s campaign said Thursday that it took in $16.5 million during the same period.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has yet to announce her Q4 figures.