Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) was the only Democrat at the New Hampshire Democrat debate on Friday night to raise her hand when ABC News moderator George Stephanopoulos asked the candidates if they had any concerns about socialism.

“Is anyone on this stage concerned about having a democratic socialist on the top of this ticket?” Stephanopoulos, who once led communications for former President Bill Clinton, asked the candidates.

None of the candidates on stage — including former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D), the more moderate candidates in the race — raised their hands except for Klobuchar.

Klobuchar raised her hand and then said there needed to be a more big-tent candidate in charge of the Democrat ticket to win against President Donald Trump.

“Bernie and I work together all the time, but I think we are not going to be able to out-divide the divider-in-chief, and I think we need someone to head up this ticket that actually brings people with her instead of shutting them out,” Klobuchar said.

“Donald Trump’s worst nightmare is a candidate that will bring people in from the middle. The people that are tired of the noise and the nonsense and they are tired of the tweets and the mean stuff, and they are looking for someone else,” she continued.

Billionaire Tom Steyer added that a successful Democrat in this race would have to “get turnout across the spectrum of Democratic voters.”

“That means we’re going to have to appeal across the spectrum to moderates, progressives, and every group,” said Steyer, who has never held elected office.