Joe Biden’s first reaction was not to protect his wife Jill when protesters stormed his stage Tuesday night. In fact, on two separate occasions, the former vice president looked like he hid behind his wife, seemed to actually use her as a shield.

Fake news media outlets, like the far-left Washington Post, are covering up for Biden’s shocking cowardice with a Look-at-Fierce-Jill-Biden-Slayyyy-Kweeen!! narrative.

The truth though is this is like the final moments of The Dead Zone, the 1983 movie based on a Stephen King novel where a presidential candidate true character (or lack of)  is revealed after he uses a baby as a shield during an assassination attempt, this is a very revealing incident.

It’s not a perfect comparison, but look at the video…

The first woman rushes the stage, and whose protective instincts immediately kick in? Jill Biden’s, not Joe Biden’s. She steps in front of Old Joe, and he lets her. She looks like a nurse protecting a frail and confused nursing home resident.

The second protester pops up right behind the podium, this one is even more aggressive and potentially dangerous, and again it’s Jill who steps in as Joe puts his hand on her back as if to ensure she won’t move and expose him to potential danger.

You know, I know it’s no longer fashionable to talk about these things, to talk about how it’s the man’s job, the husband’s job to protect his wife… But it is. And this moment not only speaks to Mr. Corn Pop’s cowardly instincts but his frail age.

And I have to add, I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’ve never seen a wife protect the husband, as opposed to the other way around.

But this is what you tend to get from a big talker, a guy who runs around bragging about how he would take Trump “behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.” Well, now we know the truth, that he hides behind his own wife.

Jill Biden deserves the praise she’s receiving, no question.

Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself.

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