The day’s top stories in social media and technology for 5/17: Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Financial Times, social media and soldiers, social media may come back to haunt HS athletes, CA school system blames social media for potential suicides spike, Anons arrested in Italy, more teacher-student sexting scandals, Aussie government’s website censoring faux-pas, Prenda lawyer asks appeals court to delay sanctions, teaser on next week’s Xbox reveal, and Michelle Obama throws video games under the bus.

Read below for these stories and more.

Featured Story.

The latest in a string of attacks targeting news outlets to push pro-Assad propaganda.

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Financial Times in Group’s Latest Attack on News Outlets

Social Media/Tech Trends, Happenings and Faux Pas.

“It’s as easy as a click of a mouse or a tap on a smartphone, and in a few seconds sensitive Army information might be shared that could get Soldiers killed.”

Soldiers must consider OPSEC when using social media

“We talk about just how stupid you can be in an instant, and how it can touch everybody,” Coury said. “You’ve got to be smart. You represent not only yourself, but your family, your school, your program. And in an instant, all the things that you’ve built to be good can be ruined in a flash. One push of the button and you can be ruined for life.”

High school athletes learn that social media profile can come back to haunt them

“A spike in potentially suicidal students in Davis (CA) schools has administrators working against social media peer pressure.”

Social Media Partially Responsible For Rise in Potentially Suicidal Students

Hoaxes, Harassment and Hacking.

Seems the deputy police chief is familiar with Anonymous’ Not Your Personal Army rule: “They were like a cancerous cell within the Anonymous organization. They had taken over the brand and were using it for their own personal benefit.”

Police arrest Anonymous suspects in Italy

And to start our daily inappropriate teacher/coach-student sexting stories…

Long Island Teacher’s Aide Accused of Sexting Student

The inappropriate behavior continues…

16-year-old boy arrested in high school ‘sexting’ scandal

…are we noticing a bad pattern yet?

Former PA HS Football Coach Sentenced to 30yrs for Cyberstalking & Child Porn

Indictment doc available here.

Law and Order.

Censor oops:  ‘And learns an important lesson about IP filtering in the process.’

Aussie government tries to block two sites, takes down 1,200

Ya think?: ‘But Hansmeier is having trouble even getting admitted at the 9th circuit.’

Prenda lawyer Paul Hansmeier asks appeals court to delay sanctions


“First Lady Michelle Obama recently gave a commencement address at Bowie State University encouraging more young African Americans to continue their education. She does so by throwing culture like video games, television, and music under the bus.”

First Lady Sees Culture as an Obstacle to Higher Education for African American Youth

“Microsoft Interactive Entertainment Business Chief of Staff Aaron Greenberg recently stopped by the Major Nelson podcast to discuss next week’s Xbox reveal event and how Microsoft will show its “vision for the future of games.”

Greenberg teases Xbox reveal, says E3 is ‘all about the games’