Financial Times

Semafor: OpenAI and Other Major AI Players Court Corporate Media, Ignore Conservative Outlets

As the integration of artificial intelligence in the news industry accelerates, corporate media outlets are reaping the benefits of becoming training fodder for AI, while many right-leaning publishers find themselves left out in the cold. The result will be ChatGPT and other popular tools that spout leftist answers backed up by the Atlantic, Financial Times, and other left-wing media sources.

leftist robot attends rally

Report: China to Remove Hong Kong Chief in March

The Chinese Communist Party is preparing a plan to remove Carrie Lam, the least popular chief executive in Hong Kong history, but will wait some time so as to not appear to be ceding to protests, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.

Hong Kong leader hopes peaceful rally presages 'return to calm'

Financial Times Editor on What Left Can Learn from Bannon: Get Out of Cocoon & Read Breitbart News

Financial Times U.S. managing editor Gillian Tett argues that those on the left who want to understand economic nationalists need to take a page out of Steve Bannon’s playbook and regularly read Breitbart News just like the former White House Chief Strategist watches and dissects the “opposition media” like CNN and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow to learn about and scout the institutional left and their enablers in the legacy media.

Steve Bannon's whiteboard of promises made by Donald Trump

FT: The Revenge Of Globalisation’s Losers

From the Financial Times: Globalisation is failing in advanced western countries, where a process once hailed for delivering universal benefit now faces a political backlash. Why? The establishment view, in Europe at least, is that states have neglected to forge
