The following Christmas wishes were submitted to Breitbart Texas by Texas State Senator-elect Konni Burton.

As 2014 comes to a close, I want to take this time to remind the conservative grassroots how much progress we’ve made in these last few years. I know that it is hard, at times, to realize the gains. We who believe in free market, limited government principles continue to see the cronyism that expands along with the size and scope of government and it’s discouraging. We are tired. We are tired of the people not being heard and tired of legislators who have forgotten that their powers are limited and their purpose is to protect the rights of the people.

However, the conservative grassroots haven’t forgotten that our government has specific and limited responsibilities. Our work that started out years ago as protests to remind government of that fact, has morphed into a grassroots army that is electing conservative legislators all across the country who won’t forget it. My own general election victory on November 4th is a product of that grassroots effort. I was an everyday citizen who became a grassroots conservative fighting along side you. Now, on January 13th, 2015 I will be sworn in as the next state Senator for Texas District 10. This is absolutely amazing progress by the conservative grassroots and I am honored and proud that our victory is a product of it. Because of your efforts, our fight for conservative principles will now take place right on the floor of the Texas State Senate.

So, as we approach the day of Jesus’ birth and the close of another calendar year, take this time to reflect on all that we have accomplished and be glad in it. We have come a long, long way. And while much work remains, I have no doubt that together, we will accomplish our goal of making government once again, of the people, by the people and for the people.

From my family to yours…. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Konni Burton
