A newly-elected Texas Republican Party chair is making headlines for making outrageous comments that would probably make even Donald Trump cringe. He correctly notes on Twitter, “Driving them up the f**king wall, Master Troll style. Do not try this at home.”

The New York Timesthe Washington Post, and the New York Daily News, have already jumped on the opportunity to bring negative attention to the self-proclaimed Republican. GOP Texans see him as a huge liability to the party.

He tweets using vile, sexually-explicit language, and his photos of partially nude and nude women shows that he is evidently preoccupied with huge breasts.

Morrow unexpectedly snatched-up the election for Republican Party chair in Travis County (Austin) on Super Tuesday.

On election night, he tweeted about former governor and presidential candidate’s Rick Perry’s sexual orientation, and said Bill Clinton calls Hillary Clinton an “angry bull dyke.” He and his followers wax on about his “11 inch penis:”

Morrow has also tweeted “Picture: Barack Obama being blown by a gay prostitute Larry Sinclair while smoking crack. …”

Looking at his Twitter posts, this is just a smidgen of what Morrow would likely give his audiences if his elected position helps him remain in the spotlight.

Morrow, a co-author of the book “The Clinton’s War on Women,” captured the chairman race with 56.44 percent of the vote. His opponent, James Dickey, garnered 43.56 percent.

If Morrow somehow manages to continue in his post, the Travis County Republican chair will live-up to the nickname of the city which is in the heart of the county. The nickname for the Capitol of the Lone Star State is “Keep Austin Weird.”

Austin stands out in the huge red state as the liberal and cultural aberration and oddity to all that is Texas. The heavy collegiate population from the University of Texas helps to keep it that way. Hippie Hollow, the clothing optional park on Lake Travis, is just one of the sites that makes the city unique.

Morrow has been elected to a two year term but he will be removed immediately if Republicans have their way.

This is not the first time the Austinite has been a lighting rod.

 In 2011, Morrow stirred up pachyderms in the state with his accusations that then-Governor Rick Perry was gay. He also said that it is “very likely” that George Herbert Walker Bush was involved in J.F.K.’s assassination. He reasoned that Bush was a high-ranking CIA member in Texas in 1963, and was supported by the same people that were supporting Lyndon Baines Johnson.

He gave a reporter (see video) at the Austin American Statesman a book that allegedly states that there was a pedophile ring servicing the elite levels of the Republican party in the 1980’s. He told the reporter that he was “A Truth-Seeker” and “A Truth-Teller” “even if it is the ugly truth.”

Currently, Morrow apparently has at least two Twitter accounts in which he disseminates his shocking and scandalous slurs and other messages.

But GRAPHIC WARNING, his Twitter account, @RobMorroLiberty, contains extremely pornographically explicit language and scurrilous accusations and speculations about politicians and others in the limelight.

In one of his more outrageous tweets, Morrow promises to perform oral sodomy on former First Lady Barbara Bush if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

This Twitter account also links to a blog where he claims among other conspiracies, “This blog is about how the Bushes and Oliver North murdered CIA drug smuggler Barry Seal in 1986 in order to keep a lid on Iran-Contra and government’s and Bush family participation in CIA drug smuggling to support the Nicaraguan contras (and no doubt to skim some off the top for themselves).”

A list of many of his other obscene tweets were reported by John Wright on Towleraod.com

He also appears to have another Twitter account, @LBJCIAkilledJFK.

The day after election, he proudly tweeted out a San Antonio Current article saying, “Here are some of my best tweets:

His Facebook account is used to allow his “followers” to repost newspaper and other articles written about him. He also appears to maintain another Facebook account where his apparent obsession with very large breasts is well documented. On this page Morrow claims to have attended the “Breastilicious Perfuming Arts School.”

Matt Mackowiak, the founder and president of a D.C. based political and communications consulting group tweeted on election night, “I am exploring several options to remove Robert Morrow as Travis County GOP chairman.” He called Morrow’s election “a disaster & unacceptable.”

Mackowiak also said he has found only one precinct chair in the county that is willing to give Morrow a chance.

Mackowiak who is based in Austin, says he has received “hundreds of messages of support & encouragement for our effort to remove Robert Morrow a[s] TCRP chairman.” He also tweeted, “Stay tuned.”

Morrow’s response to Mackowiak on Twitter includes this Tweet:

And this one:

To Karl Rove, he tweeted a woman with horns and cow ears with two sets of utters.

Morrow graduated from Princeton and has an MBA from the University of Texas. He has apparently been financially successful in his business as an investor. The Travis County Appraisal District lists his home’s value at $915,908.

To those who contemplate removing the GOP embarrassing agitator, Morrow responded:

The other option the manic tweeter (29.2K and counting since March 2013) said, “If I do not complete my term as Chair of the Travis Republican Party, it is because I will be Sec. of Sensitivity Training in a Trump Admin:

Lana Shadwick is a writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as a prosecutor and associate judge in Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2