The United States Supreme Court issued a huge blow to Texas on Monday when it struck down basic safety standards for abortion facilities in the State. The Daily Show responded to the 4-3 decision by tweeting, “Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!”

A pro-life organization in Texas, Texas Right to Life, had another response tweeting, “Egregious. The Daily Show seems to have picked up on SCOTUS’ disrespect for women shown in the decision today”

Pat Millea @wackybasilisk responded, “@TheDailyShow It takes a rare form of evil to trivialize and promote rape and abortion at the same time. #DeleteYourAccount #prolifegen”

Rick @StokesofCandor replied, “The Daily Show is a[s] sacred as abortion is to Hollywood and The Left #Emmys2015.”

@samueld_james responded, “Here are my thoughts on the SCOTUS abortion decision, THE DAILY SHOW, and the pretenses of the pro-choice left.”

Others were also offended tweeting, “Abortion jokes are poor form, @TheDailyShow. Especially when they sound kinda like rape jokes.”

@SummerPlum also responded to others’ tweets of “Awful,” and “this is a disgustingly crude joke,” by tweeting, “I agree. @TheDailyShow overstepped there. Pregnancy and abortion is not a joke, this is poor taste.”

Two hours after it sent the Tweet, The Daily Show backtracked tweeting, “Friends, we’re certainly not promoting abortions. Just excited about #SCOTUS reaffirming right to choose.”

As reported by Breitbart Texas after the SCOTUS decision, Texas State leaders responded strongly and swiftly to the pro-abortion ruling.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that “The decision erodes States’ lawmaking authority to safeguard the health and safety of women and subjects more innocent life to being lost. Texas’ goal is to protect innocent life, while ensuring the highest health and safety standards for women.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whose office argued the case at the United States Supreme Court on March 2 responded, “HB2 was an effort to improve minimum safety standards and ensure capable care for Texas women. It’s exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women’s health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly-elected representatives.”

“Now abortion clinics are free to ignore these basic safety standards and continue practicing under substandard conditions, said the Lone Star State’s Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. He explained, “By its ruling, the Court held that the ability of abortion clinics to remain open – even under substandard conditions –outweighs the state’s ability to put women’s health and safety first.”

Lana Shadwick is a writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as a prosecutor and associate judge in Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2.