An Arizona man lost over 300 pounds by making a commitment to walk to his local Walmart store and back every time he craved a meal.

Pasquale “Pat” Brocco, 31, made a commitment to better health after a doctor’s appointment three years ago when his doctor warned him that his weight could cause serious health problems.

Weighing in at 605 pounds at the time, Brocco took a photo of himself in the mirror and decided to make drastic changes to both his diet and his exercise routine.

“My stomach was down to my thighs. My chest was hanging down here,” Brocco told ABC News. “I was disgusted.”

Brocco first threw out junk food and dairy from his diet and replaced those foods with healthier options such as quinoa and steel-cut oatmeal.

He then decided to walk a mile each time his stomach growled to his local Walmart store and back for a total of six miles per day.

“It’s amazing because I never walked six miles in my life and I was doing it every day,” Brocco said to ABC News.

Brocco gradually incorporated incline walks on the treadmill and weightlifting into his exercise regimen to bring his overall weight loss to 330 pounds.

As a result of all the weight loss, Brocco had an excess of 30 pounds of sagging skin.

He crowdfunded money for the surgery back in June and underwent the procedure yesterday, according to Brocco’s Facebook page.