BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – During his Louisiana State University (LSU) lecture titled “Fat-Shaming Works”, Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos had a few words for Black Lives Matter protesters, saying they should be worried about their community’s obesity rate, rather than rioting against police.

In full Marilyn Monroe-inspired drag, Yiannopoulos spoke directly to the Black Lives Matter movement, saying the organization is not the least bit concerned about the obesity rate among black Americans.

“For any Black Lives Matter activists who have snuck their way in, blacks have the highest obesity rates in America at 47.8 percent,” Yiannopoulos said. “If you combine obese and overweight, it can reach to 76 percent.”

“If Black Lives Matter cared about black people, in addition to their fact-free musings about police officers, they would be organizing aerobics classes, not protesting the police,” Yiannopoulos. “If Black Lives Matter cared about black lives, they’d be fire-bombing McDonald’s, not their local neighborhoods.”

On the night of bloody, anti-police violence in North Carolina, Yiannopoulos’ told LSU students and fans of the dangers coming from the pro-obesity “body positivity movement”.

Yiannopoulos specifically gave the lecture to the Louisiana crowd, as the state was recently named the country’s fattest state, with an adult obesity rate of 36 percent, according to data from the State of Obesity.

As the crowd cheered at being declared the fattest state in the country, Yiannopoulos joked, saying “Do not congratulate yourselves or you’re going to find the next hour and half very tiresome,” as the crowd laughed.

“It’s gotten so bad that Houston is no longer the fattest city in America,” Yiannopoulos said. “You have now taken the crown.”

“Fat-shaming works,” Yiannopoulos said. “Now the Left tells you it doesn’t work and I’m going to explain to you why. All these magazines you read they say ‘Fat-shaming doesn’t work. Body positivity! Body confidence!’ you know, ‘Sweetheart, you can look how you want, your self-esteem is not determined by a man,’ all this kind of garbage.”

Yiannopoulos pressed on, saying social pressures was one of the most common reasons individuals decide to “live healthier lifestyles” and lose weight.

“For those of you that are at a healthy weight, you’re going to foot the bill for the ‘body positivity’ generation,” Yiannopoulos said. “For those of you that are obese, you will get sick and die sooner because you are being taught that fat is fine.”

Beforehand, Yiannopoulos had been planning on greeting protesters, but quickly realized there were none to greet.

LSU’s Students for Trump representative Remy Garofalo said she was surprised that there were no protesters, considering a coalition of gender studies and minority student organizations had met weeks in advance to plan their “response” to Yiannopoulos, as Breitbart Texas reported.

What Breitbart Texas assumed were protesters, a group of students who had words like “BLM” and “fat slut” written in permanent ink across their bodies, turned out to be aloof students who were not even aware of Yiannopoulos’ speech.

Meanwhile, Yiannopoulos garnered one his largest crowds yet at the LSU campus, with more than 1,000 attendees, many clad in GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump hats and shirts.

John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.