Border Patrol agents assigned to the Laredo Sector rescued an illegal immigrant abandoned on a ranch without water.

The agents received an alert from the Rio Grande City Station about a 911 call regarding a migrant who claimed to be lost on a ranch. The migrant claimed to not have any water, according to Laredo Sector officials.

Border Patrol officials assigned horse patrol agents from the Hebbronville Station to go to the ranch. Hebbronville is located about 50 miles from the Mexican border with Texas.

The horse patrol agents teamed up with ranch hands and were able to locate the subject, a Mexican national illegally present in the U.S. The agents guided a Border Patrol Emergency Medical Technician to the scene. The EMT quickly evaluated the migrant’s condition and provided necessary treatment to make sure the migrant was restored to good health.

“Although the outcome was positive in this instance, the rescue of this individual highlights the dangers that illegal aliens are often subjected to in their attempts to circumvent the law,” Laredo Sector officials stated. “This individual would have perished without water had it not been for the quick response of the Laredo and Rio Grande Border Patrol Sectors.”

“The disregard for human life in which these persons were subjected to and the inhumane conditions that they were placed in demonstrates how callous and heartless these smugglers can be,” Laredo Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Jason Owens said in a written statement.

Laredo Sector agents are frequently called upon to rescue migrants who become lost and dehydrated after they are abandoned by their cartel-connected human smugglers.

Earlier this month, agents saved the lives of two more migrants who had been abandoned by human smugglers — again without water.

“It’s important for the public to know that our mission is much more complex than simply stopping criminal activity at the border,” Laredo Sector Division Chief Greg Burwell said at the time. “We have an unwavering dedication to the preservation of life and rescues like this one are representative of that dedication. We will do whatever it takes to save lives and prevent people from being subjected to dangerous, life-threatening conditions.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGAB, and Facebook.