Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld defended the police and phone surveillance while discussing the capture of DC quadruple murder suspect Daron Dylon Wint on Friday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

Gutfeld said, “The quadruple murder suspect has been caught, quickly, but by whom? Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Bill de Blasio? Nope. The cops. Yep, another innocent victim of an unjust society bagged by evil law enforcement. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m just helping craft the story for the left, the BBC, and those well-paid Ferguson protesters.”

Gutfeld continued, “So how did the cops find this creep? Phone records. Now, did we violate his rights there, and did we violate everyone’s rights by violating his? After all, that’s how we apply the logic of surveilling terrorists. Heck, if we treated this thug like a terrorist, he’d still be out ordering Dominos. Look, I get it, this was a specific search, not a mass data grab, but why shame a program that provides fruitful benefits like catching killers before they can kill again? Besides, quickly-gathered phone records are the least of our worries. Consider the Ferguson protesters that were hired, yes hired, by the ACORN successor group, to protest. They staged a sit-in after they stopped getting paid allegedly, the group, known aptly as MORE, forked out 5 grand a month to protesters to demonstrate there. So, what does it tell when agitators pay protesters to stir up trouble? That while black lives matter, so does cold hard cash.”

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