Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends Weekend,” Milwaukee County, WI Sheriff David Clarke ripped the critics of those that oppose President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting refugees from certain countries from coming to the United States and in particular Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who he pointed out has his own wall at his home in Hawaii.

“First of all, I’m tired of one-percenters like Mark Zuckerberg and others lecturing us about who we are,” Clarke said. “I know who I am and most Americans know who they are. We are a sovereign nation. If you’re going to be a sovereign nation, you have to have borders and you have to protect those borders. Mark Zuckerberg has no idea of who’s coming into this country and what it takes to vet those individuals. I as a law enforcement officer in my 39th year. We do a lot of vetting of people.”

“I’m tired of all the crocodile tears about the kids — the poor kids coming,” he added. “We’re not talking about that. We’re talking about able bodied grown men, fighting age that should be back in Syria, back in the Middle East, fighting for their country, coming over to the United States to spread jihad.”

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