In her opening statement Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Jeanine Pirro delivered a message to the rioting protesters at UC-Berkeley over Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, telling the “tender snowflakes” that they do not have the right to destroy property or assault other people as they did Wednesday.

“You do not have the right to destroy property- public or private, you do not have the right to break windows, assault, hit or spray mace in the face of another person. All of the above are crimes. The first amendment does not give you the right to commit a crime,” Pirro said.

She added, “And you tender snowflakes out there — so distressed, so depressed, so fearful of free speech that you must retreat to a safe zone with your crayons must be schizophrenic because now you’re dressed like black ninjas looking to burn down buildings. You don’t have the right to block traffic, to stop me from catching an airplane in case I want to visit my sick mother or block him in case he’s got to go for a job interview, Your rights are not superior to mine. You don’t like the president? That’s just too bad. Get out and vote next time.”

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