Friday, ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith urged the Philadelphia Eagles to not visit the White House to celebrate their Super Bowl victory to stick it to President Donald Trump for going after the NFL over the National Anthem protests in 2017.

Smith claimed that Trump “clearly tried to bring them down.”

“They shouldn’t go because the president targeted their league,” Smith said on “First Take.”

He continued, “The president clearly tried to bring down the NFL last season. He hijacked the whole situation in regards to Colin Kaepernick and the protests. And as a result of that, the NFL went through a lot of things they would have preferred to not have gone through in terms of residual effect, because you had a constituency of the president of the United States that turned against the NFL because they turned an issue as it pertained to racial injustice and brutality on the part of some police officers … with respective communities. The president of the United States turned that issue into one of patriotism when it wasn’t about that at all.”

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