Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin said he thought President Donald Trump was in “great shape” on what would be impeachable given the alleged indiscretions of which his opponents are accusing him occurred before his presidency.

Levin cited case law, noting that the standard for presidents and vice presidents was different than that for judges.

“Well, the president is actually in great shape when it comes to the law and when it comes to impeachment,” Levin said. “On impeachment, all we have to do is vote and make sure the Democrats don’t win, and then he won’t be impeached. There is an idea. Anyway, that’s the headline, though — the president is in very good shape. You cannot impeach a president on events that occurred before he was president. I don’t know people are aware of this. The precedent is the Vice President [Colfax] case in 1873. Judges different — presidents, vice presidents on events that occurred beforehand. So even if they load up their phony list, we ought to keep that in mind.”

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