Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said Tuesday on MSNBC that President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) were attempting an “all-out assault on women.”

Host Andrea Mitchell asked, “I know you have two anti-abortion votes coming up in the Senate today, will they go down, will they be defeated?”

Gillibrand said, “Yes, they will be defeated. Again, this is part of President Trump and Mitch McConnell’s all-out assault on women. They’re trying to harm women. They’re trying to take away their civil rights, human rights, their ability to make the most important, intimate decisions of their lives. They’re taking away their religious freedom. They’re taking away their moral freedom.”

“When these two measures that we’re voting on literally changes the landscape of how we treat a baby who is born who cannot survive outside the womb and how those parents want to be able to have those the final moments with their child,” she continued. “It’s a horrible, horrible choice by Mitch McConnell to force these votes. We voted on these measures before, and they lost. I think this is a political ploy to satisfy those who are attending the CPAC conference.”

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