Governor Phil Murphy (D-NJ) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports” that “war has been declared on the American woman” when asked to react to the Politico report that the Supreme Court has made a 5-4 decision to overturn abortion.

Tur said, “Even if the 1973 decision is reversed, abortion would be illegal in states like New Jersey. It is more than a handful of Democratic red states that codified the abortion into state law. Joining me now is Governor Phil Murphy. Governor, thank you for being with us. What is your reaction?”

Murphy said, “Disgusted, sadly not surprised, but disgusted. Thank God we. I signed our Reproductive Freedom Act earlier. This guarantees a woman an abortion in New Jersey. This is a decision that should be made between a woman and her doctor, period. It shouldn’t be five-time people dictating the terms if this comes to pass, a war has been declared on American women and 165 million American women will become second class citizens. It’s disgusting. We will fight tooth and nail and do everything we can but it’s a dark day in America.”

He added, “We all ought to be really, really concerned. War has been declared on the American woman. War has been declared on the sacrosanct decision that a woman makes only with her daughter about reproductive activity and abortion specifically. There’s no question if this goes through the American woman has been weakened. We cannot let that stand as a nation. We must do everything we can to right this wrong.”

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