During an interview with Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad on ABC News on Thursday, host Linsey Davis stated that the Iranian government’s treatment of women is an example of “government officials who are using their own religious interpretations and applying that for the masses,” which is “something that we’re even seeing play out in this country when it comes to abortions, for example.”

During a discussion of Iran’s government preventing girls from going to school, preventing women from protesting, and the poisoning of schoolgirls in the country and how they share the same ideology as the Taliban, Davis stated, “Really, what you’re talking about is government officials who are using their own religious interpretations and applying that for the masses, right? And that’s something that we’re even seeing play out in this country when it comes to abortions, for example.”

Davis then asked, “I’m just curious, from your perspective — as an activist, as a journalist — what this means when we’re talking about these broad implications for people who are just using their specific mindset on their religious beliefs.”

Alinejad responded, “You know what, here in America, when women took to the streets for [the] Women’s March or talking about abortion, none of the women got killed. 500 innocent protestors got killed by the Islamic Republic just because [they were] protesting against the brutal death of Mahsa Amini and saying that we want to make [decisions] over our own body. So, that is why I believe that women in America, women in the West, now they can echo the voice of Iranian women, the voice of women in Afghanistan who are being kicked out [of] schools and now [are] getting kicked out [of] schools because of the chemical attack. So, that’s another thing that the Islamic Republic now is saying that…we’re going to have an investigation in this case. We need an outside organization.”

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