A customer allegedly did not return a $14,000 car to a Houston, Texas, dealership after taking it for a test drive, according to a report.

ABC 13 reported a woman came into a car dealership owned by Ahmad Hallal and asked to test drive a 2014 Chevrolet Impala. However, Halal told the outlet that after about half an hour, he was skeptical that she would return.

“She said I’ll go for 10 minutes to test drive, but one hour, two hours, she never showed up, she never came back,” he said, per ABC 13.

Hallal told the outlet the missing woman had already conducted one test drive of the car a week earlier but said she would return once she had gotten her tax return. A week later, she returned for the 2014 Impala and requested another test drive, which Hallal approved after taking her driver’s license and phone number.

Hallal attempted to contact her but received no answer, so he contacted the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, who discovered that the Louisiana ID she left behind was fake, per ABC 13.

The car dealer told the outlet he hopes the vehicle will be returned and lamented the size of the loss.

“I feel bad. It’s not a cheap car. Now we’ve lost $14 thousand,” he said.

In December, as Breitbart News noted, authorities said multiple vehicles were from a dealership in the Portage Park area of Chicago. Video footage appeared to show where a vehicle had smashed through the doors of the dealership.

In January, seven suspects were accused of attempting to steal ten Ram pickup trucks from a Michigan Chrysler facility. Police said they were able to secure the area before the suspects allegedly attempted to flee. One suspect allegedly slammed a truck into a police patrol vehicle, but it is reported no officers were injured in the process.