A Florida man paid off the school lunch debt for more than 400 children at nine different schools after learning that students were not being served a full meal in their school cafeterias.

Andrew Levy, a real estate agent, picked up the tab of $944.34 in lunch money debt at nine Jupiter-area schools, saying it was a small way he could make a difference in a child’s life.

“I went in there and I said, ‘I want to pay off the lunch debt,’” Levy told WFLA. “These children that were in debt were going to either not eat or they would get just cheese sandwiches and I thought, “that’s crazy.”

Levy had no children in the district and no personal agenda or connection to the school, insisting that he just wanted to make a difference.

“Food is something that you shouldn’t have to think about. Children shouldn’t have to learn hungry,” he added.

Levy posted about his experience on Facebook soon after and started a chain reaction of people interested in doing the same thing all across Palm Beach County.

“I even have had some clients over the last 48 hours say, ‘You know something? I want to help. I want to give, too,'” Levy told WITI. “Every quarter, I’m going to do either a GoFundMe page, or a fundraising page that can raise money every quarter so lunch debt never accumulates.”

Levy initially got the idea to pay off students lunch debts back in August after looking at a Facebook post from the Jupiter Mamas Facebook group in August pleading for help in paying off student lunch debt.

WFTS reported that the post, from Angie Vyas-Knight, pleaded for help and listed the total lunch debt for more than 400 students in the Jupiter, Florida, area.