A lot has happened in fourteen days — since Friday, the 24th of April — when the wires started buzzing 24/7 about the “Swine Flu.”

Oh wait, my bad. Now it’s the much more politically correct, H1N1 (Dems can’t offend the porcine population, they might need Porky Pig or pro-choice Miss Piggy to vote in 2010 and 2012).

In the meanwhile, a lot of stories haven’t been covered nearly enough outside of blogs and Fox News. Oddly, the vast majority of these stories seem to be things Obama God, Jr. wants to keep quiet. Here’s a not so exhaustive list:

Some people might be wondering where Moses works into this, and why an atheist is mentioning Moses at all. But as the story goes, Moses had to tap the rock twice to produce water…and many stories are worth repeating. Even if we can’t add anything new.

But I know I missed so many stories, glossed over by the mainstream media, feel free to add them in the comments.

Moxie can usually be found not posting at her own blog Moxie.nu.