
Articles by Moxie

A Day in the Life of a Right-Wing Extremist

9:00 AM: Crawl out of bed, go downstairs and hit the “on” switch for my Anger Manufacturing Plant, located conveniently in the basement — right next to my wine cellar. 9:10 AM: Sign a few five-figure checks from the big

President Obama and His 'Outstanding' Humility

Guest Post by Barack Hussein Obama transcribed from the teleprompter by Moxie: Look, as I’ve always said the most important quality, in a man, is humility. And I want to lead America, by example. Lots of Americans sit around and

The Days of Swine and Moses

A lot has happened in fourteen days — since Friday, the 24th of April — when the wires started buzzing 24/7 about the “Swine Flu.” Oh wait, my bad. Now it’s the much more politically correct, H1N1 (Dems can’t offend