I may be the only Jeffersonian Republican to admit this, but former Obama adviser Van Jones should be congratulated. Van Jones has done a great, amazing service for millions of Americans. Van Jones is a hero.

In addition to having a really cool name, Van Jones has done what many are unable, or refuse to do. He has stepped out of the ideological closet and broadcast to the world the truth; he is a Communist. A loud and proud Marxist hell bent on “transforming” America into a worker’s paradise.

It saddens me that others do not feel comfortable enough to follow in this brave man’s footsteps. I watch with sadness, and a sense of embarrassment as Jones’ ideological kin hide behind labels like “progressive” and “liberal.” It’s 2009 people, for how long will our Communist brothers and sisters have to live in the shadows?

It is an important moment in the lives of homosexuals when they “come out” to their friends and family. It is met with a sense of relief, regardless of the consequences and reactions of their loved ones. I can only imagine the sadness, the self-loathing, and injustice felt by all the Trotskyites out there who don’t feel comfortable to share the truth with the rest of us.

Why should a lesbian like Rachel Maddow feel comfortable to share her sexual preferences with those around her (who coincidentally, could care less) but doesn’t feel it appropriate to share her love of Chairman Mao and his policies?

This isn’t right. The time has come. Communists, come out of the closet!

Not only is this “closeted Communism” bad for those forced to shelter their secret, but it is unfair to the rest of us. For nearly 100 years we have been subjected to the confusing and disingenuous repackaging and re-branding of Communism. “Progressive.” “Liberal.” “New Deal.” “Social justice.” Blah. Blah. Blah.

No matter how you cut it, it is plain old Pinko BS.

In the 1930s, Fascism and Communism were all the rage in Europe. Democrats then, like the Democrats of today, were fascinated by Europe. They were convinced that there is some inherent wisdom lost upon the “colonists” and that we bumpkins should look to Europe for the answers. You can see this today as we march towards socialized medicine and embrace the climate change tomfoolery. Both are all the rage across the pond.

So, the Democrats of the 30s, the party of F.D.R,. did their best to emulate the enlightened leaders of Spain, Italy and Germany and started putting a little dash of Fascism and a pinch of Communism into the American melting pot.

Stir for seventy or so years and then serve yourself a heaping bowl of Obama!

Perhaps if more Communists came out, those that share their views would realize that they too were Communists. They would then be forced to examine the sad, tragic legacy of Communism in the world, and they may actually change their mind. Between our piss poor public education system and the clueless mainstream media, I’m not surprised that the bulk of the populace can’t see Fascism and Communism for what they really are.

I will do a brief countdown in my head before someone calls me a racist. It will happen quickly. Shortly after that, if not simultaneously, someone will dredge up the old bones of McCarthy and blab about how some B-movie filmmaker wants to go on a Communist witch hunt. Yawn.

The fact is that a bunch of bloggers and a “crackpot” TV host (FYI, I “heart” Glenn Beck) put pressure on the administration to boot a self-proclaimed Marxist from an advisory position in the White House. Without those forces, the Commie would have been responsible for allocating over 30 billion dollars of taxpayer money and assisted in the fascist re-organization of the energy industry.

You don’t have to resurrect McCarthy. He is no doubt spinning in his grave faster than a Black and Decker skillsaw.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the whole “Red State, Blue State” map delineating Republican vs. Democrat states is an invention of the mainstream media. Unlike the rest of the world, the colors used by our journalists are backwards. This is a calculated move. It hits a bit too close to home to see the state of California, with its socialist monopoly of government and financial plight, glowing a brilliant “red.” But can we call California, or New York for that matter, anything but a “Red State”?

Once we have an honest discussion, with Communists, Fascists and Socialists clearly out in the open, we can defeat these failed and backwards ideas once and for all. People must realize that Communism is not a valid interpretation of American government. It’s not “another way to do it” for example; but something that is antithetical to the foundation of our nation. These ideas, and the people who espouse them, are 100% un-American. If it were a part of our tradition, then Alexander Hamilton, not Karl Marx would have written endlessly about redistribution of wealth and statist power. The Federalist Papers, not the Communist Manifesto, would be the guide book for the worker’s revolution.

It is not.

You wanna talk about more affordable health care? Energy efficiency and independence? Eradicating poverty and racism? I’m all about it. But let’s talk about it in a way that would make Thomas Jefferson happy. Not in a way that would bring a smile to the face of Vladimir Ilich Lenin.

So, thank you Van Jones, Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky. Your bravery and honesty is duly noted. Now, for the rest of you leftists, clinging to a failed ideology that has brought death and misery to millions over the last century, I say come into the light.

Ask yourselves, are there Bolsheviks hiding in your closet?