None of these Funny or Die videos are funny. They’re on-the nose, heavy-handed, and at times so awkwardly unfunny that you kinda hafta supply your own rim-shot in order to gut your way through the worst of it. You can’t say the people behind the videos aren’t talented. They are. But this stuff is just lazy. Really, “Terminator” music over the closing PSA?


But isn’t all celebrity masturbation lazy? No one’s trying to do anything more than feel good about themselves. So because that’s the real goal no serious thought goes into the sketch and of course no thought goes into the issue at hand.

Schools aren’t working? Throw money at them! Wow, I feel so much better about myself, so self-gratified, and look at how easy it was to show how much I care about kids.

Of course, anyone who really cared about kids would take the time to dig a little deeper; where they would find much bigger, systemic problems than a lack of cash. Money is the least of our public schools’ problems. Bloat, unions, lousy teachers who can’t be fired… Want to help kids achieve the American dream? Break the back of the unions.

But whatever. I’m a celebrity. School budget cuts must be bad because they sound bad. Anyway, I sound informed and compassionate saying I’m against them, and I’m really pretty, so my work here is done.

It’s like this gay Jesus play. Ooh, offending Christians. So ballsy and original. Careful there, you’re risking someone praying for you.

Leftist celebrities have pushed leftist boundaries right into a tired cliche. It’s impossible for them to be interesting anymore.

Lefties can say what they want about our own Zo, Steven Crowder and Lee Doren, but at least they show their audience the respect of having studied up and thought through the issues they discuss. You might not agree with their conclusions, but you have to appreciate the effort they put into trying to convince you to see things their way.