When will Hollywood even begin tell the true story about the Russian Revolution, Lenin, Stalin and its subsequently more successful imitators such as Mao Zedong and Kim Jong Il?

Obviously some hopefuls for similar success, George Soros, Barack Obama – not to mention the likes of Hugo Chavez – are riding on the back of what basically amounts to world ignorance about the entire nightmare of the Communist Revolutions worldwide.

As a perfect revelation of Hollywood’s utter narcosis, the Warren Beatty film, REDS, is not the indictment of Communism which some might try to paint it as, but the very effective portrait of Communism’s harmlessness.

A few American “idealistic” Leftists were, well, merely disappointed with the Russian Revolution.

That’s it.

Nothing more dangerous than broken dreams.

David Lean’s Dr. Zhivago?

That is just the beginning of the truth within Soviet and now neo-Soviet Russia.

Try this for openers.

We have an endless series of cinematic revelations about Nazi Germany.

Where are the classics about the unrelentingly homicidal enterprises of Marxism worldwide?

With a shamelessly Marxist President in the White House, isn’t it about time for the so-called Republican Moneyed Class to cough up for films revealing the Nazi-like realities of the Stalin/Mao/Kim Jong Il dictatorships?

Generally speaking the seminally important distinctions between Good and Evil have been lost in Hollywood and The Left defines that as sublime Progress.

Why was Hollywood so eager to erase or obfuscate ancient moral certitudes?

Because, like the proverbial “Mountain,” The Golden Rule, for instance, is there not to be climbed but to be questioned and challenged.

For the last half century in Hollywood, to climb that mountain of Truth is to increasingly destroy it, shrink it, gnaw at it, dissolve it or, in frequent cases, portray the Mountain of Truth as evil.

How do we make a Communist apologist like Oliver Stone and his POV the heroic vision and America the villain?

We make a film like Platoon.

In it the audience must soon realize that it is better to be almost anything in the world of Platoon except an American combatant in Vietnam.


We now know, because of Oliver Stone’s blatant admiration for the Communist Hugo Chavez, that, in the eyes of Oliver Stone, a Communist Vietnam is automatically the hero when confronted with the villainously Capitalist and Free Market America.

Stone makes no case as to why a Communist dictatorship is better.

He doesn’t have to.

America had Vietnam outgunned and yet lost because, according to an Oliver Stone assessment, America is an evil bully and Communism is The Indomitable Little Guy.

Must the profoundly exceptional but basically British film, The Killing Fields, and its revelations about one of the smaller but equally hellish, Communist dictatorships, be the sole glimpse into the bottomless snake pit of Communist tyranny?

Why aren’t American Conservatives backing more than Fox News?

What is missing?

The artists to create the films?

Why haven’t the works of Solschenizyn been more fully mined by American screenwriters?

Real Killing Fields

The recent and tenaciously revealing biography of Mao Zedong by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday is just waiting for the right young, American genius to take us into that excruciating journey to hell that Mao takes all of China into.

The Death of a Dissident is a book that merely opens the door to a contemporary life and death that Wikipedia finds fascinating enough to give one of its longest and most thorough examinations to.

Here is one of the most powerfully resonant dramas of the inevitable and, I’m sure, final clash between a Free World and Communism.

Or, as tyranny’s most recent euphemism is known, The Progressive New World Order.

The book, Death of a Dissident, was optioned for a movie awhile ago but, so far, we hear nothing about it.

In the 1930’s and ’40’s, the Soviets and their American sympathizers entered the performing arts of the United States under the orders and guidance of Joseph Stalin.

Enterprises like the Group Theater, its graduates and admirers, co-opted most of “artistic seriousness”, almost all of Hollywood film-making and, as a sickly residue, infected the Mainstream Media.

The television ratings alone reveal an American hunger for traditional American values.

Fox News is trouncing the other networks!

The Obama News Network’s response?

But where is our conservative Oliver Stone, Stephen Spielberg or James Cameron?

Nowhere to be found.

An endless horizon of material sits before such an artist.

That quintessentially American film-maker is out there.

We just have to find him and help him … or her!

Oh, I know it’s long, but please try to view The Soviet Story in its entirety.

If not for yourself, then for the sake of your children. If something is not done soon about actually educating American youth, revealing to them the horrors of Communism and the Communist threat inside Washington, D. C. … well … Hollywood Left will easily seduce them.

New York Left had me on their leash for many years.

Thank God for my hard time in a Catholic high school!! Those years in a priest’s prison showed me the only possible road to heaven on earth.