I was surfing the internet yesterday and came across an article about the current state of political comedy by Paul Waldman. The article “The Joke is on Us” was posted on the far-left website “The American Prospect.” The subtitle of the site is “liberal intelligence” which is, of course, an oxymoron. That aside, the premise of Mr. Waldman’s article is that there is a dearth of humor about Barack Obama. It reminds me of when Nixon was elected and New York Times film critic Pauline Kael being shocked because only one person she knew voted for him.

Mr. Waldman postulates that this lack of Obama material is because Obama is so cool, so intelligent, and so unflappable that he is immune to being made the butt of any jokes! He actually says, “…our current political leadership isn’t all that funny.” I assume he includes the Vice President in that statement — so apparently he and I hear different Joe Biden sound bites. I strongly doubt he has ever listened to Rush or Glen who daily skewer Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

Mr. Waldman, like Ms. Kael suffers from having a limited circle of exposure.

Before I get further into that, let me just say a big “thank you” to Mr. Waldman for reinforcing a concept that I have written about several times: Conservatives have a better sense of humor and are more willing to be self-deprecating than lefties. You see, my fellow right-wing nut jobs, in Walden World, Bush, Rush, Palin and anyone else who isn’t hastening the “Marxization” of America is a moron who should be belittled for their obvious lack of intellect. Leftist, on the other hand, never do anything foolish. All of their causes are above mocking. Let me illustrate:

Q. What do you call four feminists at a protest march?

A. That’s not funny you chauvinistic, racist right wing moron!

Anyway, Mr. Waldman claims two things that I find absolutely amazing. One is that the lack of “Obama” material the general public is exposed to isn’t the result of the ideology of the “mainstream” comics. He says:

There was an assumption that since they’re a bunch of liberals, the comedians wouldn’t go after Obama. But if comedy has an Obama problem, it doesn’t have much to do with ideology. The guy is just difficult to mock.

Can anyone name a major mainstream comic beside Dennis Miller who is conservative? How about a late night talk show host? Letterman? Leno? Fallon? Kimmel? Mr. Waldman points to Jon Stewart for doing a credible job of taking on Obama. When Stewart does take a jab at the President it is usually because Obama for not being “progressive” enough! In Waldman World the only thing about Obama that’s funny is that he is such a centrist!

The second is that he doesn’t see any way to mock the President:

Politicians who make good targets for humor tend to have a personality feature or physical characteristic, like a particular accent or a distinctive set of gestures that are easily identifiable and thus can be exaggerated to make the politician look foolish, because exaggeration is what impressions and satire are built on.

Alright, you knuckle-dragging, mouth breathing right wingers; here is a quick comedy quiz. I know that none of you are as smart as Mr. Waldman, after all he works over at Soros’ funded Media Matters, but let’s see if you can name a physical trait of Mr. Obama’s we could mock. Anyone say “ears?” Those Dumbo-sized, suicide-door lookin’ Prince Charles mud flaps. Oh my! I said “mud” in a sentence referring to the President, that’s not funny! I must be a racist!

Now let’s turn our attention to personality features. “Arrogance” ring a bell, Mr. Waldman? How about stammering when off prompter? How about being oblivious to the economy while your wife spends millions on a vacation in Spain? How about trying to convince the American public that the cost of two first class tickets covers the cost of that vacation? In comedy this type of humor is known as “true story,” just the facts as they happened are funny.

Finally, Mr. Waldman asks:

“But what’s the joke about Obama?”

With the help of a few comic friends, I will give Mr. Waldman some samples which I am sure he won’t find funny. Feel free to add your own in the comments:

“What is the difference between Osama Bin Laden and Barack Hussein Obama? One is an anti-capitalist who hates America and wants to destroy Israel, and the other is hiding in Afghanistan.” –Mark Klein

“All during his campaign, Obama’s claim to fame was that he was a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago. I was just on the South Side of Chicago – it ain’t too organized.” –Drew Hastings

“The new Obama economy game show: “American Idle.” –Sam Griesbaum

“If we could harness the wind generated by Obama’s ears and mouth we would have energy independence!” –Jeff Jena

“People were once comparing him (Obama) to Jesus Christ. On the economy he seems more like Moses; wandering around aimlessly, blaming everything on the Bush.” –Tim Slagle

“If you cast a ballot for Barack Obama are you voting Democrat or Demigod?” –Gregory Peterson

“He is called ‘Vice President Biden’ because the phrase “hot air balloon” was already taken.” –Mark Klein

“Obama inspired class envy: The original green job.” –Sam Griesbaum

Q. Why is Barack Obama running for office as a Democrat?

A. The Communist Party didn’t have enough voters. –Author Unknown

“In reaction to Iran launching a new missile and starting a nuclear reactor, President Obama is going to ratchet up the pressure. This time he is sending them a very strongly worded letter.” –Jeff Jena

Obama puts the “dip” in Diplomacy. –Sam Griesbaum

“Obama would have had an opinion on the gulf oil spill earlier but his prompter was in the shop.” –Jeff Jena

“President Obama announced $118 million in stimulus monies to increase high-speed Internet in Ohio. Presumably, so he can get all the bad news to us faster.” –Drew Hastings