Jane Fonda is out promoting her recurring role on HBO’s The Newsroom, the pay giant’s weekly progressive rant on the news of (yester)day.

Fonda, who has a cameo playing Nancy Reagan in the new political drama Lee Daniels’ The Butler, told an online chat audience who she hopes will be paying close attention to the show’s second season:

When asked who she thinks would benefit from watching the Aaron Sorkin drama, which is currently in its second season, Fonda offered the following names: Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage. Glenn Beck, the tea partiers, Sarah Palin.

“Those are the people I wish would listen to it, and really hear the logic of what is being said,” she said during a live Web chat with The Times. “It’s the tension between a news bureau that is trying to get good ratings as opposed to telling the truth, or telling an important story. And it’s an important tension.

The irony, of course, is that Hollywood liberals like Fonda probably have never read a syllable printed at Breitbart News or other conservative outlets. Conservatives are forced to process liberal view points simply by their exposure to Hollywood, the mainstream press and academia, while liberals can essentially wall themselves off from diverging views rather easily in our culture.