David Letterman found it impossible to talk about the Instigator in Chief of the current diplomatic crisis with Syria on Monday night’s edition of The Late Show. The host made a couple light-hearted jokes before launching another slam at President George W. Bush.

Perhaps it was because Letterman knew that the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, was waiting in the wings, warming up his god-awful Bill Clinton impression. The mayor’s appearance was stiff, boring and completely un-newsworthy. Shocking revelations included: President Bush is responsible for the current economy, Indiana is responsible for Chicago gun violence and Congress is responsible for Syria and the Newtown massacre.

It made you wonder what he was doing on The Late Show set in the first place.

Probably, because he’s not doing too well in Chicago. Between the endless stream of homicides and his spats with the teachers union, it looks like his political career needs to move back Washington if it’s going to survive beyond this term. (I’m also guessing that Emanuel got his high-powered Hollywood brother to book his appearance, in a venue where he so obviously did not belong.)

Meanwhile, all of this political cover was received with nodding approval from Letterman, who held back his trademark snarkiness for another day. If CBS ever decides not to renew Letterman’s contract, I’m fairly certain he can find a new home on MSNBC.