In the wake of the heinous attack in which Vester Lee Flanagan II allegedly shot and killed reporter Allison Park and cameraman Adam Ward, ABC’s Modern Family executive producer Steve Levitan called for people to rally against the NRA.

At 9:33 a.m.—just hours after the attack took place—Levitan sent a tweet, which said, “There are only 4.5 million members of the NRA. We can dwarf them.” He included a link that takes readers to pages for Micheal Bloomberg-funded groups Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

A little over an hour later—at 10:51 a.m.—he sent another tweet, this one containing a link to comedian Jim Jefferies’s juxtaposition of gun rights in the U.S. versus gun control in Australia. Breitbart News previously reported that Jefferies emerged during the December Sydney hostage crisis to argue that gun control in Australia had worked because the gunman was only armed with a shotgun instead of “semi-automatic weapons and hand guns.”

Yet two people were killed in that hostage crisis—the same number that Flanagan allegedly killed in Virginia.

Levitan’s tweets came about three hours after comedian Rob Delaney sent a tweet addressed to the NRA, asking, “Was that on-air double homicide by handgun sponsored content?” When Delaney sent that tweet, the gunman was still on the loose, and his manifesto had yet to be spread to media outlets.

Once the manifesto was passed around, it was evident that Flanagan had been planning his attack for quite some time—at least since June 19—and the reasons for it ranged from the anger he felt over the way “black men and white females” allegedly treated him for being a “gay, black man,” to his anger over the Charleston church shooting, to his veneration of Seung Hui Cho—the 2007 Virginia Tech gunman whom Flanagan described his “his boy.”

In other words, his reasons were all over the board.

Levitan and Delaney blame the NRA.

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