Late-night funnymen Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon both ignored the massive controversy created by a photo purportedly showing Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) in blackface.

As Fox News points out, the late-night network hosts may have ignored the story due to their own history wearing blackface in past comedy sketches.
Jimmy Kimmel wore it in a Comedy Central sketch years ago, mocking NBA player Karl Malone.

Jimmy Fallon also performed in blackface during a sketch on NBC, impersonating Chris Rock.

Northam has faced a slew of calls to step down after a photo from his medical school yearbook emerged showing a man in blackface alongside a man in a KKK robe. Gov. Northam initially apologized, but later backtracked and claimed he didn’t believe he was one of the men in the photo.

Indeed, though both Kimmel and Fallon are now subservient to the politically correct nature of Hollywood, there was a time where both reveled in some politically incorrect humor — Kimmel especially.

On The Man Show, Kimmel and his co-host Adam Carolla did a number of non-PC skits. In one, they poke fun at Asians for a “limited grasp of English” and call their home countries “hellholes.”

In another, the men set up a trampoline and had women jump on it, while the guys made jokes about the women’s bodies.

Kimmel also used to do a bit where he’d put a mystery object in his pants and told women on the street to put their hands in his pants to figure out what it is.

At one point, he asks a woman how old she is — when she replied that she’s 18, he jokes, “You sure of that? Because Uncle Jimmy doesn’t need to do time.”